It would seem that the rain dance I performed in mid-Spring has backfired on me somewhat. Parts of Europe have been suffering from heat waves and wildfires, but here in North Wales the weather has been mostly overcast and raining for the last three weeks, and it is set to continue into the middle of August, much to the disappointment of the chilli plants. We've had the occasional day of partial sun, but it doesn't take long for the heavens to open back up again. It's good for the garden if nothing else. Still, we can't complain really. Rain is much more preferable to heat waves and wild fires, and for that I thank the Gods kindly! 😁
Chilli Plants in the Porch - 31st July 2023
I moved some of my outdoor chilli plants into the walk-in plastic greenhouse a few days ago because of the non-stop rain. Up until then they'd spent the past two and a half months living outside. Spring was hot and dry so I just left them out. I have five plants in the plastic greenhouse at present. When it's not raining four of them go outside for the day and the other one is placed in the doorway where it gets the most light. I leave the greenhouse door open 24/7, which means I don't have to make a point of opening it early in the morning just in case the sun comes out. The
Rocoto plants are fine outside, but I think even they are now getting bored of the non-stop rain.
Anyhow, despite the rain we're currently getting the chilli plants are doing fine and all are now fruiting. Some varieties (
Peruvian White Habanero,
Ring of Fire,
Jalapeño M and
Malawi Bird's Eye) have already produced their first flush of fruit and are now starting to produce their second flush. I've been picking green chillies from my Ring of Fire plants for several weeks and the other day I picked the remainder from both plants so that they can start producing their next flush. I've also had several ripe
Aji largo peppers from my indoor plant growing in a 5-litre pot and most of them were used for seed saving. I've also had two ripe
San Isidro Rocoto peppers and another one is now starting to ripen. I have true to type seeds from both varieties currently drying on a shelf in the bedroom.
Ring of Fire - 25th July 2023
I dodged the rain drops recently and took a few photos because I thought maybe it was time to post a quick update. Some varieties are not included because there really isn't much to show at present.
Aji Largo - 28th July 2023
Aji Largo - 28th July 2023 |
Aji Mochero - 28th July 2023
Aji Mochero - 28th July 2023 |
Aji Mochero - 28th July 2023 |
Cumari Pollux - 31st July 2023
Guatemalan Orange Rocoto - 30th June 2023
Guatemalan Orange Rocoto - 30th June 2023 |
Guatemalan Orange Rocoto - 28th July 2023
Guatemalan Orange Rocoto - 28th July 2023 |
Guatemalan Orange Rocoto - 28th July 2023 |
Jalapeño M - 28th July 2023
Jalapeño M - 28th July 2023 |
Jalapeño M - 28th July 2023 |
Orange Habanero - 28th July 2023
Orange Habanero - 28th July 2023 |
Orange Habanero - 28th July 2023 |
Papa Joe's Scotch Bonnet - 28th July 2023
Papa Joe's Scotch Bonnet - 28th July 2023 |
Papa Joe's Scotch Bonnet - 28th July 2023 |
Papa Joe's Scotch Bonnet - 28th July 2023 |
Papa Joe's Scotch Bonnet - 28th July 2023 |
Prairie Fire - 28th July 2023
I hope your chilli growing season is coming along okay and that you're keeping everything spicy! Remember, if it doesn't burn on the way in and burn on the way out then it's really not worth eating. All hail the Chilli Gods! 😛
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